Tuesday, April 24, 2012


As much as I love going places I have never been, it has been so fabulous to be at home....

I do think when you are at home...it is important to do things that make you smile!! I learned this from my son "Fox". He has taught me many things in life already...one being "that I never knew I could love anything as much as I love him"....and "patience" of course.
I do feel you can make anything fun.... You only live once, you know, and I am a firm believer in the saying, "Life begins outside of your comfort zone".

So, here are a few things I enjoy....

Production meeting at the office....."I bought Scratch off's for everyone to liven up the meeting"  Kendall won $4....

I love to target shoot.

I love to hit the target when I shoot!

Play dates at Mh's house...so the mommy's can chat while the kiddo's play

Just had to throw this one in there..."my dad sent me this picture the other day" ...He just decided to take "Boss" for a boat ride in the pond. (so I guess this is genetic)

We like to have band practice at my house...It takes a whole new spin on "supper club"

Shank is tuning up my guitar...Thank you Alexis for my guitar prize you got me awhile back...

I can't wait to be able to play a full song!!

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