Monday, July 29, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Southern Fashion Houses' [The new parent company to Judith March and Deja Vu] new CEO and one of my childhood best friend, Christy Smith, and I jetted down to Key West for a few days to check on the Key West Deja Vu store. It was a rainy departure, but once we drifted above the rain clouds, I saw the beauty of a rain storm from above. 

One of my favorite things about traveling is getting to listen to music. I think I love music the most on trips because upon my arrival the songs I listen to link me back to the memories I've made. Here's a play list I made on 8tracks....follow the link to hear some of my favorite travel tunes and enjoy the beautiful pics from a bird's point of view! 
Click HERE to listen to my "On The Road Again" Playlist

 A few of the Florida Keys from a birds view. 

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